Student Testimonials
"The training I have received has been remarkably efficacious. The learning environment is positive, challenging and highly supportive… I have increased energy, reduced stress, a clearer focus and a healthier perspective."
Barbara Chandler - Business Owner - Age 48
Condition: Stress
Training Benefits: Energy, Strength, Focus, and Flexibility
Training Benefits: Energy, Strength, Focus, and Flexibility
"My body is becoming more flexible, stronger and my mind is more at peace than I have felt in many years. As a side benefit, I’ve lost 30 pounds without even trying to lose weight."
Jeff Moore - Real Estate Agent - Age 49
Condition: Sedentary Lifestyle
Training Benefits: Weight Loss, Stamina, Mind & Body Connection
Training Benefits: Weight Loss, Stamina, Mind & Body Connection
"I no longer hesitated or wondered if I could do it, over time I just did it...This quickly spilled out into my life helping me to become more of the self-sufficient, confident woman that I now am."
Samantha Bashor - Nanny - Age 22
Condition: Lack of Confidence
Training Benefits: Energy and Confidence
Training Benefits: Energy and Confidence
Featured on Oprah – Nancy Heilman – Age 66
Explains how training has helped her stay young.
"Training has gotten rid of the carpal tunnel pain I had experienced in my wrists and elbows from the constant daily typing I do."
Roger LeBlanc - Software Support - Age 45
Condition: Stress and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Training Benefits: No Wrist Pain, Weight Loss, Flexibility, Stress Relief
Training Benefits: No Wrist Pain, Weight Loss, Flexibility, Stress Relief
“I also found all the challenge and potential for growth that I could ever have wanted – in mind, body, and spirit. Through the training, I’ve gained a lot of self-discipline, will-power, and inner strength.”
Helena Park - Software Developer - Age 26
Condition: Stress, No Exercise Program Felt Right
Training Benefits: Discipline, Inner Strength, Confidence
Training Benefits: Discipline, Inner Strength, Confidence
“I am experiencing the strengthening and re-alignment of some of the injured areas as well as some pretty amazing and powerful flows of energy and heat... “
Steve Paulhus - Logistics Specialist - Age 43
Condition: Lower Back Pain
Training Benefits: Less Pain, Energy Flow, Quality of Life
Training Benefits: Less Pain, Energy Flow, Quality of Life
Parent Testimonial – Steven Withrow – Police Officer
Explains how training has positively impacted his son.
"Sacrificing an extra hour of sleep (thus, sleeping only 3 instead of 4 hours per night), I began practicing Oom Yung Doe in the mornings before work...To my pleasant surprise, I became more alert, energized, and calm throughout the day even in spite of the long work hours and stressful environment."
Nimrod Weiselfish - Graduate Student - Age 28
Condition: Stress, Lack of Sleep
Training Benefits: Energy, Calmer
Training Benefits: Energy, Calmer
“Traditional martial arts movement has challenged me time and time again, but I have found that I am stronger, faster, more accurate, and overall healthier than I have ever been."
Jeff Alas - College Student - Age 19
Condition: Stress, Want to Get in Shape
Training Benefits: Strength, Speed, Better Health
Training Benefits: Strength, Speed, Better Health
“...Oom Yung Doe not only improves our mood, but also contributes to enhanced motivation and to a better ability to focus at school, at music lessons and at work.”
Igor Elman - Father & Son Both Train
Condition: Stress, Lack of Focus
Training Benefits: Better Focus, Enhanced Motivation
Training Benefits: Better Focus, Enhanced Motivation